get in touch to custom order


Clear lamination starting price:

Up to 8'0 - $1800

8'1 to 9'0 - $1995

9'0 - 9'6 - $2500

10ft + - $2900

How to order

All orders will be Handshaped by Tristan at the factory.

To get your custom order through, send us an email at store@rhinolaminating.com.

We will get back to discuss dimensions, glassing, fins or any questions you may have.

$600 Deposit will be required to confirm the order.

Any questions? Contact Rhino Laminating

From 4’10 to 6'5

Kneeboard for small to mid size wave
Need to be ridden with flippers.
a version of the velo flex spoon KNEEBOARD, inspired by George Greenough Design, the Flexspoon is an entire flexing board, torsional from nose to tail and rail to rail, this board give an incredible feeling of full speed due to non existent tail rocker and a custom and unique variable rocker for each wave, this is the perfect tool for stay as deep as possible in the tube, or in the most hollow part of the wave. It's not an easy kneeboard to surf, but it's not that hard, and you'll get the feeling pretty quickly. Entirely glass and only glass with Volan fiberglass and isophtalic resin.